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Clip-in Ponytails Extensions in Australia

Looking for an easy way to change up your look? Clip-in ponytail extensions are a great way to add some fun and flair to your look! They are easy to put in and take out, and they give you the ability to add length and volume to your hair in a matter of minutes....

Here at Platinum Lockz, we have ponytail extensions in a variety of colours, styles, and lengths. Whether you’re looking for a temporary way to change your look or something more permanent, our clip-in ponies are the way to go! Check out our range today.

How Do I Attach Ponytail Extensions?

If you're looking for a way to add some length and volume to your hair, you may want to consider a clip-in ponytail extension. This can be a quick and easy way to give yourself a whole new look. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to install them:

  1. Begin by brushing your hair back into a ponytail. If your hair is very fine, you may want to use a little bit of hairspray to help keep it in place.
  2. Next, take your clip-in ponytail extension and open up the clip.
  3. Place the open clip onto your ponytail, making sure that the teeth of the clip are facing downwards.
  4. Close the clip so that it is secure.
  5. You may want to use a comb to help style your hair around the extension and blend it in.

How to Store Your Ponytail Extensions

Here are some tips on how to store your extensions so they stay in good condition and don't get tangled:

  • Brush your extensions before you store them. This will help to remove any knots or tangles and make them easier to comb out when you want to wear them again.
  • Put your extensions in a loose braid or bun. This will help to keep them from tangling while they're stored.
  • Hang your extensions up. This will prevent them from getting tangled or crushed. You can use a hanger with clips or a special wig stand.
  • Store your extensions in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing them in direct sunlight or in a humid environment, as this can damage the hair.

With these tips in mind, you can be sure that your extensions will be in great condition when you want to wear them again. We also have a great range of weft extensions to choose from.

For more information on styling, colour matching, or our range of hair accessories, contact us at or text us on +61 421 762 800. We are always happy to help you find your glow-up!

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